Friday, January 5, 2007


Well, it's official. I was served with a copy of my wife's petition for divorce today. When I saw the car pull into the drive way, I nearly ran to the door to great the officer and get the paperwork. He looked surprised. I take it they don't see a lot of people who are eager to see them.

I feel like a huge burden has been lifted from me. I look back now at our relationship and can see where there were signs everywhere that we wouldn't work out. Of course I was blindly in love back then. The counselor was right when she told me that she believed my relationship with Tara was really holding me back and pulling me down.

I'm mulling over the idea of going out tonight and celebrating my divorce to be. I have several friends that think I should though and am eager to take me out. I'm a bit tired already (its been a long week).

Today, I feel free!


SlyD said...

Glad you're happy about getting served! The officer probably thought you were crazy for being so excited! =) I hope everything keeps getting better for you!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean and it even gets better. As I left the courtroom the day my divorce was final I remarked I was as happy the day of my divorce as I was the day I got married. Hang in there...there still might be some rough spots ahead.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog. I'm intrigued by yours. Although I'm also curious---you're using WordPress too?

Anyway, good luck with your new life. :)

Anthony said...

This blog is run on which is a hosted solution.

I am using word press for some of my other blogs.

Anonymous said...

You know I have been reading your blog and my personal opinion is you were holding yourself back and pulling yourself down not your wife. Why don't you quit blaming her for your problems and move on and leave her and her children alone and take care of your own children.

Wicked H said...

Appreciate the comments on my site. Looks like you are handling things well, I hope it continues to go smoothly. (Or as smoothly as divorces can go....)

Anonymous said...


I'm quite happy to see how well you are handling things right now! I wish I would have been as strong and positive as you are when I went through the separation myself! It is absolutely true that sometimes we give up our own dreams for those who we love, but sadly sometimes we are short changed... I'm glad you're now able to move forward; I can assure you that your future is now much brighter than it was when you were with Tara. Remember it is her loss, not yours. It’s good to see how optimistic you are about this. Kudos to you... I'm sure good things are in store for you.

Also, pay no attention to hateful comments left here by people who seem to lack the mental capacity to analyze their own actions; if they're so bothered by what you write, then why do they keep reading? Your blogs are very interesting and you have many readers who, like me enjoy a well written journal. You are in many prayers... stay positive.

Annie Wicking said...

Hi Tony,
What an interesting blog you have. You seem to be taking life by the horns and are fighting back. What plans have you made for your life now?
I hope you find happiness and a very good friend, for they made the best life-partners

I wish you all the very best.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous I read for 2 weeks and do not see what you are talking about.

Some Guy said he misses his step kids and his kids miss them. Few men would care about their step kids. My ex husband doesn't want to have anything to do with my son.

It looks to me like Some Guy is doing a good job of moving on. He said he is out celebrating his divorce tonight.

Keri said...

You feel free huh.. glad you are happy! And how am I going to keep those resolutions? umm... well I made them things that are actually possible to do :P I know the whole losing weight thing will take longer than this year alone, but it's still possible. Keep looking up! :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Never forget your step kids. I did that and I hate myself for it today. If wife won't let you see them, keep trying. Those kids will resent her later when they find out you tried for years to talk to them or see them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I go through the same thing you are. I agree with Jason. Kids are smarter then you think. They will be mad when they find out. "Never surrender, Never Give Up"