Saturday, January 13, 2007

I Am A Fool

Despite all Tara has done to me and how much she has hurt me, there are days where I wish I could see her smile or hear her voice or just know that she even remembers who I am or what day it is today. My wish today will go unfilled and so it'll be just another empty day for me. Everyone else wants to make a big fuss today, but I can't be happy and wish they would just forget. It's all just a reminder that the one person I wished would remember won't even be kind enough to send me a card or a text message or an e-mail and just say Happy Birthday.


Anonymous said...

This comment was submitted by a regular reader on January 13 at 7:43 PM. I am posting it anonymously to ensure this user and their blog is free from harassment. Thanks, Anthony

I don't believe you're a fool just because you've been hurt. You'd only be foolish if you didn't learn something from the hurt and didn't move on with your life. That doesn't mean you simply shut the door and never think about it again, but it means your focus is the future, not the past.

And for your birthday I wish you peace, happiness, hope and love!

Anonymous said...

This comment was submitted by a regular reader on January 13 at 1:56 PM. I am posting it anonymously to ensure this user and their blog is free from harassment. Thanks, Anthony

Well....Happy Birthday...although not from the person you want to hear it from or even know for that matter.